Quality Golf
Just a 2 minute walk from the site is an outstanding 9 hole golf course par33. The course is landscaped with natural woodland and man made features and is surrounded by the River Annan making it quite a challenging course.
Please see Tariff for price

Hoddom golf course

Hoddom golf course

Hoddom golf course

Entrance to the golf course
Fishing on Hoddom Water
The River Annan at Hoddom is the most prolific Salmon fishing beat on the whole system. With an average of over 250 salmon per year, it is as good as many of the major Salmon Rivers of Scotland. The only difference being that Hoddom is the best value fishing in the UK for quality and beauty.
To fish a beat with an average catch of 250 salmon on the River Tweed it will cost you over £200/day, going up to £500.
Here at Hoddom it is £42+vat for 2020 in the prime weeks of September, October and November.
For Brown trout fishing at the beginning of the year it is only £10+vat. It is also possible to catch a spring salmon at this time of year. Grayling Fishing is of exceptional quality at Hoddom, with several grayling over the 2 pound mark being caught most seasons.
It is a beautiful stretch of water extending to 3 miles with 14 good salmon and sea trout pools. The beat is some of the most scenic fly water on the River. Fly fishing is the preferred method, with spinning only allowed when the water is above the red mark on Hoddom Bridge.
We can organise casting lessons for all beginners, children, and experienced anglers through a local company www.annanflyfishing.co.uk. Keith Snow who runs the lessons is fully qualified and is a superb teacher who makes it fun and interesting at the same time. He takes his lessons on the River at Hoddom Bridge at the entrance to Hoddom Castle.
All fishing on the River has to be booked via www.fishpal.com or by phoning FishPal on 01573 470612. You can also, if available, purchase a ticket from the fishing lodge at the bottom of the entrance to the caravan park.
It is possible to see the height of the river and whether it is rising or falling from the website, as well as fish catches and photos. It is also worth having a look at www.riverannan.co.uk which is an independent website and a very good one.

Fishing on Hoddom Water

Fishing on Hoddom Water

Fishing on Hoddom Water

Fishing on Hoddom Water
Kellhead Water
Also on the Estate is an old disused Limestone Quarry, which is now used for fishing.
It is 3 miles from the caravan park. It is very deep in places and care should be taken. The fishing here can be very productive when the conditions are right. The Bream here are of superb quality as are the Pike. The largest Pike so far is 42lb.
Tickets for the quarry are from the cottage at the entrance. The staff in the shop at the park will direct you, or contact the Estate Office on 01576 300244.
Countryside Ranger Services / Countryside Walks
The Estate employs a Countryside Ranger whose job it is to manage footpaths, river banks, nature trails and the local flora and fauna. As well as managing these he also educates the children from local schools and people staying on the caravan site about how the countryside works. The Ranger has lots of work on the go at any one time and the children help him in lots of interesting projects.
These might include checking bird boxes, badger watching, spotting wild deer, building bridges, tree planting or carrying out surveys on the beach. At certain times during the week and weekend he organises nature walks from the castle, these are highly informative and great fun as the children get involved.
There is a visitor centre on the site which depicts the work of the Estate and gives illustrations of the local wildlife and flora.
There is a childrens playground provided on the caravan site which has an extensive climbing area in a large barked area in case of any slips.